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Birth Injury Information:
The Epidemic of Birth Injuries Caused by Medical Mistakes & Understanding Your Rights

Birth Injury Information and Birth Mistakes Book Get this valuable book from The Legal Insider’s Guide Series - The Epidemic of Birth Injuries Caused by Medical Mistakes & Understanding Your Rights at no cost to you and your family and learn valuable birth injury information and undesrtand topics such as cerebral palsy and your legal rights.

Jeff Rasansky represents families and victims of birth mistakes and medical negligence nationwide. He has experience as an advocate of those who have suffered as the result of a medical mistakes and malpractice and his firm has a proven track record of securing justice for its victims. Located in Dallas, Texas, Jeff is a premier birth injury attorney. Nationwide, his clients recognize his talents and praise his outstanding work.

Read testimonials from some of Jeff's clients

"Jeff made an extra effort to put my daughter, Katrina, at ease and help her understand all that was going on. He was very kind to her, and it was obvious to me that he had her best interests at heart. He's great about listening and making sure that he's answered all your questions." - Sylvia Sparby

Inside his FREE book, The Legal Insider’s Guide Series - The Epidemic of Birth Injuries Caused by Medical Mistakes & Understanding Your Rights, Dallas cerebral palsy attorney Jeffrey Rasansky explains how the negligent behavior of medical professionals can lead to a child's brain damage or other injury.

You will find valuable information about:

and much, much more!

If you have a loved one who you suspect may have been a victim of a birth injury due to medical mistakes or medical negligence, you are encouraged to contact us today for a free evaluation.